Monday, November 24, 2008

The 10-for-10 Challenge

I've decided I needed a new challenge. As if life itself isn't challenging enough right now in these crazy days. I wanted a running challenge, so I dreamt up 10-for-10, that's 10 miles a day for 10 days in a row. It's my stay-at-home mom, non-professional runner, mini version of Dean Karnazes' 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. I'll do 10-for-10, and I'll do it in TWO states: Georgia and Kentucky. Is this a smart thing to do? No. It's actually pretty high up on the stupidity scale, since I'll be doing 70 miles in 7 days (and 100 miles in 10 days), and my body is used to about half of that or less on a weekly average. Why, you might ask. I don't know! I guess I got a little bummed about missing 1 1/2 weeks of running due to bronchitis, so I'm making up for some lost time and testing my body. Not to mention, if I can actually get through it, it will certainly help my Boston Marathon training. If I have even and inkling of a problem, nag, aggravation, pain, ANYWHERE, then I'm calling it quits.

I've completed 3 days so far. Day 1 was 10.1 on a treadmill as the kids played in the basement play area and Eric did elliptical with me for a good chunk of the time. Day 2 was on the Silver Comet Trail. I did 10.7 at a pace that put me right to sleep. I was definitely NOT fully conscious on that run. Today, Day 3, I did 10 miles down and up Peachtree Road. I did miles 1 through 6 of the Peachtree Road Race, then turned around and came back. It was slightly cold and a miserable, rainy day. You'd only be out there running if you were trying to prove you're an idiot. I felt a bit like Forrest Gump today. So far, so good. I am recovering well day to day, and have no aches or pains except for my neck and shoulders. Must get away from computer. I finally got some new running sneaks. Had bought a pair on Friday, and when I wear-tested them on the treadmill, they failed. I had two raw ankles at less than two miles into my run! Ethan and I went BACK to Phidippides today, and got some new ones. I'll wear-test them for a couple of miles tomorrow and hope they work out. I really need new shoes to complete this Idiot Challenge. My old ones are bad. Really bad. And that was my last opportunity to get to the running store before we leave for KY Wednesday morning, where I will be doing 5 of the 10 days! Who knows what tomorrow will bring, besides a tired mommy? Until then...I'm off to see Madonna!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Video from Thanksgiving at the Preschool

Lauren is seated in the very front row, green shirt, with the turkeys. Does she know her moves or what? :) Tee hee! They were precious this morning. There's nothing like hearing a group of Pre-K's singing their little hearts out!

Thanksgiving at The Preschool

All of the pre-K students at Lauren's preschool get to tell the story of The First Thanksgiving at our Friday Chapel. Here are a few shots from the morning. We had a great time! Lauren was a turkey, and her line was, "Gobble, Gobble." She is in the front row with the green shirt. Each group (indian men, women, pilgrim men, women) each had about two words to say. They sang a bunch of songs and were too cute for words!

Father Daughter Camping Trip

Last year, Scott and Eric began a yearly tradition: a father-daughter camping trip with Dailey and Lauren. This year the trip had to be postponed due to Strep hitting the Gillies household. By the time another weekend rolled around, it was just too cold to be sleeping in a tent with 4 year olds. So instead this year they made a day out of it that started with hiking, nature collecting, and cooking camp food in a pavillion, and ended with a movie and McDonalds. They all had a great time!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hot Cocoa

It just so happens to be cold, windy, and somewhat miserable in Atlanta today, so we decided to have our first hot cocoa of the season! They both drank out of big kid mugs, and were so proud of that!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Silver Comet Half Marathon

Eric and I recently ran the Silver Comet Half Marathon, which is a nice, flat, close-to-home race! There were 1,500 runners, and it was a perfectly cool morning. We both ran PR's, as it was the first time that we've both really challenged ourselves at the half marathon distance. Eric ran a 1:34:53, which is a 7:15 pace, and came in 65th out of 696 men, 12/121 for his age group. I beat him (only) by a minute, he is closing the gap! My time was 1:33:50, which is a 7:10 pace. I came in 8th out of 782 women, and 2nd in my age group. We had a ton of fun and thanks to our babysitting co-op, got some "free" babysitting from a runner friend!

6:52, 6:55, 7:19, 7:14, 7:02, 7:12, 7:23, 6:52, 6:55, 7:20, 7:17, 7:29, 7:09, 0:45 = 1:33:50