Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tonight's Visiting Hours with Poo Bear

We just got back from visiting Emma. She looked pretty good, better than last night. But, her PCV has gone down some. At noon she was 28 and at 6 pm she was 24. We asked to speak with a doctor, and he gave the answer I knew he would, which is that they are not concerned about the drop b/c it's +/- 3-5%, and it could be fluids, hydration, etc. But still, in our minds it's drop and we don't want to see those. We CAN'T see those. They'll check her PCV again at midnight and then at 6 a.m. Please please please stay at 24+, Em. We tried to trick her and told her we were giving her "PCV treats." (We brought along some treats that would have been in her stocking, which has always been her favorite part about Christmas!) We'll see if the placebo PCV treats work! Until then... Here are a few shots of the girl from all of our younger years.

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